The Wortham Center for the Performing Arts is dedicated to making its facilities fully accessible to all patrons. Should you have special needs, please advise the box office staff in advance of your visit: 828-257-4530 or

Patron Drop-Off: Patrons with limited mobility may be dropped off along Biltmore Avenue near the Wortham Center’s marquee.
Parking: Accessible parking is available on the third/top level of the Biltmore Avenue parking deck. From the top/third level there is a door marked Wortham Center for the Performing Arts that leads directly into the theatre’s balcony level. When entering from this level, the elevator is to your immediate right. From the courtyard/orchestra-level entrance, the elevator is to your right, and the box office is to your left.
Wheelchair Accessibility: Accessible seating is available in the Diana Wortham Theatre, Tina McGuire Theatre and Henry LaBrun Studio. Please note, however, that balcony-level seating in Diana Wortham Theatre is not accessible to people who use wheelchairs. Please check with the box office for availability before arriving at the theatre.
Assisted Listening: Wireless loop technology is available within the Diana Wortham Theatre. Customers who have loop technology already installed in their hearing aids need only switch it on. If you do not have loop technology in your hearing aids but still need listening assistance, please visit the box office for a headset when you arrive at the event.
Audio Description: For persons who are blind or low vision, audio description services can be scheduled to provide descriptive narration of key visual elements. Please request via the box office at least one month in advance of the performance.
American Sign Language Interpreters: Sign language interpretation can be scheduled with one month’s advance notification.
Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM): La interpretación de lenguaje de señas en español se puede programar con un mes de anticipación.
Service Animals: If you intend to bring a service animal, please notify the Wortham Center box office at the time of your ticket purchase, so that an aisle seat can be reserved for you. Service animals are welcome inside the Wortham Center, though they must remain on a leash or in a harness at all times.
How can we make you comfortable? Please let us know if there is anything we can do to address a special need and make your experience as enjoyable as possible. Our box office staff will be pleased to help you; please call 828-257-4530, ext. 1 with your requests and questions.