David: The Faces of Love
A New Musical Presented in Concert
David: the greatest name in the history of Israel! But who was he? From his close friendship with Jonathan and his allegiance to Jonathan’s father, Saul, David’s early joyful years with both become tortured and painful. His marriage to Michal leads to betrayal and murder, and his relationship with Bathsheba is both blissful and tragic. The final faces of love shared with two of his sons are glorious and shocking, and the Biblical story tells it all.
This epic drama, many years in the making, is written by Fred Northup, an Asheville native and the former Dean of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. His musical partner is Drew Banzhoff, a young prodigy currently enrolled at the North Carolina School of the Arts. Mike Yow is the Director.
For Streaming Pass, please call box office at 282-257-4530
For those who purchase the Streaming Pass. This is a pass to watch David: Faces of Love live online. The link that you will be able to use to watch the show will be sent a day or so before the production.
From Homelessness to Housing: Joining Together to Build a Better Asheville
It is rare that a city is able to launch a full-length musical of the scope of David. It is our hope that this musical can be not only a vehicle for the support of the artists and musicians of Asheville, but also a catalyst for increasing awareness of the needs of our homeless people and of the opportunities that are before us to make a difference.
Theatregoers will be given an opportunity at intermission to donate 20% of the cost of their ticket to either Homeward Bound or BeLoved Asheville. We hope that this will be another step in joining together to overcome the scourge of homelessness in our city and country.