Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective presents
Abe Lincoln and Uncle Tom in the White House
February 2-4, 2023
February 9-11, 2023
February 16-19, 2023
ABE LINCOLN AND UNCLE TOM IN THE WHITE HOUSE portrays a gripping re-imagination of the the events the night before Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Alone in the Executive Office, President Abraham Lincoln is struggling with signing the Emancipation Proclamation when he is mysteriously visited by Uncle Tom, the fictional character in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s abolitionist novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly. These two iconic characters from life and literature—one real, the other fiction—attempt to understand each other across a chasm of race in the midst of the Civil War. Throughout one late night and into the dawning day, they find themselves crossing over into each other’s world in a tale of suffering, self-discovery, and redemption.
“I hadn’t read the book [Uncle Tom’s Cabin], and I had fallen victim to the mentality that says when you hear the name Uncle Tom you get the picture of the worst individual you could imagine, In reading the book, I found a character of honor and dignity and I thought, maybe this character deserves to be looked at again.” – James A. Williams
Purchase the Different Strokes! 3 Season Package.
Benefits include….
2 tickets to each production for $100.02.
2 additional half price tickets to each show – for a value of $22.50. (Redeemable by phone or walk up at the Box Office).
Zero wait time gets you into the theatre before House opens
2 additional tickets at ½ price for the 369 Play Festival – for a value of 22.50. (Redeemable by phone or walk up at the Box Office).
$22.50 Ticket fee details